1. Promo Eligibility
The promotion is open to existing RCBC CASA account holders who have been pre-qualified to avail of RCBC’s Digital Personal Loan Product through RCBC Pulz app. Qualified users must (a) avail of the Digital Personal Loan during the promo period, and (b) comply with the other requirements under Section 3,  to get a chance to win back up to 100% of the total interest due on their loan.

2. Promo Period
The promo runs from September 25, 2024 to December 31, 2024. The applicable periods for loan availment and corresponding raffle draw dates are outlined below.

3. Promo Mechanics
User Qualification
a. The promo is open to existing RCBC CASA account holders who have been pre-qualified for the RCBC Digital Personal Loan via the RCBC Pulz app.
b. To qualify, users must avail of the RCBC Digital Personal Loan between the availments period listed in Section 3.f. below.
c. A minimum loan amount of Php 500,000.00 with a payment tenor of at least 12 months is required. Each qualified loan availment will earn one (1) raffle entry.
d. The winner must pay each loan amortization on or before every due date for a period of 12 months from their loan availment date.

Raffle Prize and Draw Schedule
e. Prizes:Ten (10) winners will be selected each month to win up to 100% of the interest due on their loan, capped at Php 100,000 per winner.
f. Raffle Draw Schedule:
Winners will be selected through an electronic raffle draw on the following dates:

Entry Period/Loan Availment Period

Raffle Draw Date

September 25 - 30, 2024

October 14, 2024

October 10 - 31, 2024

November 14, 2024

November 10 - 30, 2024

December 13, 2024

December 10 - 31, 2024

January 14, 2025

g. Sample prize winner payout:

Loan Amount

Loan Tenor

Prize Value

Php 500,000.004

12 months

Php 100,000.0

Php 1,000,000.00

36 months

Php 100,000.00

Php 400,000.00

12 months

Php 0 (user is ineligible as they did not avail the min. Php 500,000.00 loaned amount to qualify for the promo)

Php 1,500,000.00

6 months

Php 0 (user is ineligible as their availed loan term is less than the minimum loan term to qualify for the promo)

4. Generation of Qualified Entries
a. RCBC will generate qualified entries monthly based on the loan availment periods. The data generation and raffle draw dates are as follows:

Entry Period/Loan Availment Period

Data Generation Date

Raffle Draw Date

September 25 - 30, 2024

October 11, 2024

October 14, 2024

October 10 - 31, 2024

November 12, 2024

November 14, 2024

November 10 - 30, 2024

December 11, 2024

December 13, 2024

December 10 - 31, 2024

January 10, 2025

January 14, 2025

b. Loan availments must occur between 00:01 AM of the first day of the entry period and 11:59 PM of the last day.
c. Qualified transactions will be entered into randomizer software (Excel RAND function) to select the winners.

5. Selection of Winner
a. RCBC will compile a list of all qualified transactions in Excel format. The winners will be randomly selected using the Random Generator software.
b. Draws will be conducted in the presence of a DTI representative on the scheduled dates.

6. Awarding of Prizes
a. Winners will be notified via SMS and email within three (3) business days after the raffle draw. Notifications will be sent to the contact details registered in the RCBC Pulz app.
b. Prizes will be credited directly to the winner's RCBC Pulz account after twelve (12)- month worth of loan payments to the overall loan have been made. Prior to crediting, the winner's payment history will be checked. Any default in loan payment during such a 12-month period shall disqualify the winner from receiving the prize.

7. Promo Scope and Limitations
a. Fraudulent accounts will automatically be disqualified from the promo.
b. Prizes are non-transferable.
c. This promotion cannot be combined with other ongoing RCBC promotions.
d. Taxes, if any, will be shouldered by RCBC.
e. RCBC employees, affiliates, and their relatives up to the 2nd degree of consanguinity or affinity are ineligible to join.
f. In case of disputes, RCBC’s decision in coordination with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will be final.
g. RCBC reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the promo at its discretion.

For more information or inquiries, contact DiskarTech Customer Care at or the BSP Consumer Protection Department at 8708-7087 or

RCBC Pulz is a digital product of Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). RCBC is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). Deposits are insured by PDIC up to Php 500,000 per depositor.