Corporate Governance Manual

RCBC affirms its commitment to good corporate governance. With an empowered Board leading the way, RCBC continues to work towards a solid control environment, high levels of transparency and disclosure, and well-defined shareholders’ rights.

The corporate governance framework of RCBC combines global best practices such as the G20/OECD Principles of Good Governance and the general principles of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard, and the regulatory requirements of SEC Memorandum Circular No. 19, series of 2016 or the Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly-listed Companies and BSP Circular No. 969, series of 2017 or the Enhanced Corporate Governance Guidelines for BSP Supervised Financial Institutions. RCBC’s corporate governance framework is embodied in its Corporate Governance Manual, the latest version of which was approved by the Board in June 24, 2024

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

All Directors and Employees are governed by the Bank’s Code of Conduct, which revolves around the Core Values of the company. It is designed to serve as guide to directors and employees on how they should conduct themselves within and outside the Bank premises and in dealing with clients/customers and co-associates.

Adherence to this Code is the responsibility of each and every associate. It is administered uniformly throughout the Bank and is independent of the practices of other banks. It is a condition for continuous employment. Any breach of this Code may result in disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to termination of employment, depending on the gravity of the offense, after the observance of due process.

All Directors and Employees are required to adhere to and uphold the tenets of the Code of Conduct and to report any violation thereof to a more senior officer, the Security Department, the Internal Audit Division or the Human Resources Group.

The Code of Conduct is divided into five parts as follows:

A. Treatment of Clients

B. Treatment of Bank Assets

C. Treatment of Others

D. Conflict of Interests

E. Knowledge, Understanding & Compliance

Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report (I-ACGR)

2023 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report

2022 Intergrated Annual Corporate Governance Report

2021 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report

2020 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report

2019 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report

2018 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report
2017 Integrated Annual Corporate Governance Report
PSE Disclosure Form - Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies 2016
Corporate Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies 2016
PSE Disclosure Form - Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for the Calendar Year 2016
Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for the Calendar Year 2016
Consolidated Updates to the Annual Corporate Governance Report for 2015
Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for 2015
Amendment to ACGR Report: Attendance of Directors to Board Meetings - January 06, 2016
Updates on ACGR: Annual Stockholders' Meeting 2015
Consolidated Changes to the ACGR as of April 2015
Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for 2014
Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for 2013
Summary of Consolidated Changes to the ACGR for 2013
Amendment to ACGR Report: Annual Stockholders' Meeting 2014
Updated Annual Corporate Governance Report for Year 2012 - March 2014
Amendment to ACGR Report: Shareholding in the Company - March 6, 2014
Amendment to ACGR Report: Attendance of Directors to Board Meetings - January 27, 2014
Annual Corporate Governance Report for Year 2012 - July 1, 2013

Corporate Social Responsibility

RCBC has pursued its corporate social responsibility initiatives in the areas of environmental care, education, and community development since 2013. 

Sustainable Finance Framework

As one of the largest banks in the Philippines, RCBC recognizes its role in maintaining stability in the financial services sector in support of the economy while ensuring that the welfare of the environment and communities are sustained. In 2019, RCBC launched its own Sustainable Finance Framework which intends to prioritize fundraising and lending to activities that have environmental and social benefits.  This is part of the Bank’s response to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) call for financial institutions to be enablers of environmentally and socially responsible business decisions.

The framework’s initiative aims to reduce our corporate carbon footprint and finance the flow of funds into a low-carbon and climate-resilient future not only in the Philippines but also within ASEAN. To further enhance this advocacy, last December 2020, RCBC announced that it will no longer extend financing to new coal-fired power projects as the Philippines moves to cleaner energy sources.

In 2021, as customers continue to struggle with the economic impact of the pandemic, we remain responsive to their needs as well as reach out to others so we can assist them throughout this crisis.

A Year of CARE

RCBC believes that assisting our clients to survive the economic hardships from the global pandemic is our moral obligation. In 2020, we launched the COVID Assistance and Recovery (CARE) Program to provide pre-emptive refinancing support to customers severely affected by the pandemic and may take time to recover. Those qualified under CARE were customers in good standing as of March 2020 when the Enhanced Community Quarantine was first enforced.

Specifically, CARE was designed to extend financial assistance by way of extended repayment plans given customers’ cash flow tightness during the pandemic. It also aimed to immediately get customers back into the habit of paying based on the amount they can afford so they can focus on the more important task of recovering and seeing themselves through the crisis.

Before rolling out the program, we conducted a collection training program for our account officers and front liners so they can properly assess and categorize clients based on their needs and credit history. We made our clients aware of the program through various touchpoints such as via our website, electronic direct mail, and social media (Facebook).

Relationship with Community

In light of the pandemic, we aimed to create a net positive impact to the communities we serve

and focus on mass market digitization with the following innovations to address the needs of the

unbanked and underserved Filipinos and in support of BSP’s advocacy for financial inclusion:

  1. Diskartech: We launched a mobile-based application which is the country’s first financial inclusion accelerator app to serve unbanked and underserved Filipinos. We also pioneered the Philippines’ first Tagalog-English inclusion in the mobile app to make it a simple and convenient yet safe and secure digital way of doing financial transactions.

  1. ATM Go: These handheld ATM terminals are instrumental in the government’s distribution of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) payouts. The government has partnered with RCBC to help distribute cash assistance to families greatly affected by the Enhanced Community Quarantine in provinces and remote locations where there are no bank branches.

  1. Go Digital: Our digital plan was set in motion in 2019 with the re-launch of the RCBC online retail mobile app. The pandemic accelerated the acceptance and use of the new mobile app with the expanded array of features Go Digital has the ability to send and receive cash through several remittance partners (i.e., LBC, MLhuillier and Bayad Center) which are accessible to millions of Filipinos in far-flung areas.

In June 2020, Rizal MicroBank (RMB), our thrift bank subsidiary, launched “Bangko ng Bayan” after receiving BSP approval for its pilot run. RMB was able to implement its initiatives and acquire relevant data that will testify to the relevance of an agency banking program for the unbanked and underserved market. The services include account opening, cash-in/deposit, cash-out/ withdraw, bills payment, loan referral and micro insurance availment.

Emergency Relief

During the height of the pandemic, Filipinos came together to help the affected families by enhancing community quarantine. Through ABS-CBN’s “Pantawid ng Pag-ibig” fundraising program which aims to provide food and assistance to families in need, RCBC and AY foundation together with other 20 top business groups raised funds and pledged P100 million.

Enterprise Risk Management

Risk Governance Framework and Capital Management Framework

The Group's Risk Governance Framework (RGF) and Capital Management Framework rest on five pillars: a) effective Board oversight, b) sound risk management strategy, c) dynamic capital management process, d) risk and capital monitoring and escalation, and e) review and validation. The Group's risk management strategy and capital management systems respond to internal and external signals. Internal signals are manifested in its corporate Mission & Vision, which animate a set of strategies that aim to fulfill such vision while taking into account external indicators mostly involving current market movements and projections. Always, the RGF and Capital Management Framework see through bi-focal lenses - growth/business-as-usual scenario, and stress. With the foregoing as backdrop, business targets are determined along with the risks and the necessary capital, bearing in mind minimum capital adequacy regulations and internal triggers. In an ideal scenario, the process should lead to maximization of capital via robust capital allocation among the business units, and with performance assessed via risk-adjusted measures. The Group is committed to working towards this goal. The Frameworks and corresponding sub-processes are all subject to review and validation, a role largely driven by the Internal Audit Group. Finally, each facet of the Frameworks is monitored and reported to the designated oversight bodies.


Risk Governance Framework

The Risk Governance Framework of the Group follows a top-down approach, whereby the Board of Directors (Board) takes ultimate accountability for: the risks taken, setting the tolerance level for these risks, business strategies, operating budget, policies, and overall risk philosophy.

In the interest of promoting efficient corporate governance, the Board constitutes committees to perform oversight responsibilities. These committees perform oversight functions in the area of risk policy formulation, decision-making, and risk portfolio management.



Board of Directors

The Board ensures that the Group‘s corporate objectives are supported by a sound risk strategy and an effective risk governance framework that is appropriate to the nature, scale, and complexity of its activities. The Board provides effective oversight of senior management‘s actions to ensure consistency with the risk strategy and policies, including the risk appetite framework. The Board:

  • Sets policies, strategies and objectives and oversees the executive function
  • Sets the risk appetite and ensures that it is reflected in the business strategy and cascaded throughout the organization
  • Establishes and oversees an effective risk governance and organizational structure

 The Risk Oversight Committee

The ROC supports the Board with respect to oversight and management of risk exposures of the RCBC parent bank and subsidiaries (the Group). In this regard, the ROC exercises authority over all other risk committees of the Group, with the principal purpose of assisting the Board in fulfilling its risk oversight responsibilities. The ROC oversees:

  • The risk governance framework
  • Adherence to risk appetite
  • The risk management function
  • Capital planning and management
  • Recovery plans


The Risk Management Groups

Supporting the ROC in carrying out its mandate are the Risk Management Group (RMG), and the Credit Management Group (CMG), headed by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and the Chief Credit Officer, respectively.  

Administratively and functionally, enterprise risk management follows the ― "centralized risk monitoring – decentralized risk management" approach. The risk units in the subsidiaries implement the risk management process individually, and report to their respective risk committees.

The Parent Bank‘s risk management groups implement the risk management process in the parent and consolidate the risk MIS from the various subsidiary risk units for a unified risk profile that is presented to the ROC.

The risk management groups are responsible for overseeing the risk-taking activities across the Group, as well as in evaluating whether these remain consistent with the Bank‘s risk appetite and strategic direction. It shall ensure that the Risk Governance Framework remains appropriate relative to the complexity of the Bank‘s risk-taking activities. The risk management groups shall be responsible for identifying, measuring, monitoring, and reporting risk on an enterprise-wide basis. It shall directly report to the ROC. Personnel in the risk management groups should collectively have knowledge and technical skills commensurate with the Bank‘s business activities and risk exposures.


The Risk Management Group (RMG)



The following are the major risk management divisions and departments under RMG:


Sustainable Finance Division: The Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) is tasked to lead and oversee the Bank’s sustainability efforts and harmonize such with different groups and subsidiaries of the Bank. The CSO also serves as the Head of Sustainable Finance Division (SFD) which primarily handles credit risk mitigation, capital adequacy measurement, regulatory compliance, and E&S risk mitigation functions. Credit risk mitigation falls under Independent Credit Review which was created in line with the requirements of BSP Circular 855 on credit review process. This is complemented by activities involving measurement and monitoring of BSP requirements on lending, capital adequacy,
back testing, model performance review, and stress testing, all of which are handled by the Portfolio Analytics Department.

E&S risk mitigation is handled by the Sustainable Asset Management and Sustainable Lending Departments which are tasked to implement RCBC’s Sustainable Finance Framework and Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) Policy, respectively. This is in support of MORB Section 153 and of the Bank’s commitment to uphold E&S responsibility in all its
business activities. Regular SFD updates are submitted to the ROC. SFD contributes to risk portfolio management and attainment of financial sustainability through the assessment of the Bank’s overall portfolio quality in terms of credit risk, capital adequacy, regulatory compliance, and E&S impact.


Enterprise Risk Management Market Liquidity Division Head

Market and Liquidity Risk Management Division: The Market and Liquidity Risk Management Division (MLRMD) is primarily tasked with the development and implementation of market risk, liquidity risk, and interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) policies and measurement methodologies, recommending and monitoring compliance to risk limits, and reporting the same to the appropriate bodies.  It regularly reports to the ROC and the Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) activities relevant to market risk, liquidity risk, and IRRBB management of the Group.



Operational Risk Management Department; The Operational Risk Management Division (ORMD) was created to ensure that operational risks are managed at an enterprise level, the systems and processes used to manage these risks are effectively implemented, and that management of these risks is embedded in the Group’s processes.

ORMD is tasked to ensure implementation of the Operational Risk Management Framework (ORMF) across the Group; and to develop an appropriate operational risk management environment where operational risks are identified, assessed, reported, monitored, and controlled/mitigated. It is also expected to identify and recommend mitigants for emerging risk types, and to promote and maintain quality operational risk programs and infrastructure. ORMD also ensures the timely and quality renewal of institutional-wide insurance policies to protect the Bank against unexpected
and substantial unforeseeable losses.

ORMD, through the Business Resiliency Department (BRD) is responsible for ensuring the Bank’s capability to plan and respond to incidents and business disruptions and enable the continuity of key business operations at predefined acceptable levels.

ORMD, through the Reputational Risk Department (RRD), provides the processes and methodologies designed to protect the clients via the Bank’s Financial Consumer Protection Assistance Mechanism (FCPAM), Consumer Protection Framework and Reputational Risk Framework.

To facilitate implementation of ORM tools in the various business lines of both the parent bank and its subsidiaries, various officers are deputized and serve as embedded Deputy Operational Risk Officers (DORO), Consumer Assistance Officers (CAO) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) Leaders. A DORO, CAO or BCP Leader functions as ORMD’s liaison to and implementation
arm in the various business units for Operational Risk, Reputational Risk and Business Resiliency, respectively.


Enterprise Fraud Risk Department: The Enterprise Fraud Risk Department (EFRD) is tasked to ensure proper observance of the fraud management program (i.e., prevention, detection, investigation and escalation, containment and recovery, analysis and recommendation), and provide a high-level Enterprise-wide Fraud Risk Management Framework and its corresponding policies and standards. This serves as the basis upon which the Business, Operations and Support units will develop their own specific procedures and guidelines that will operationalize the controls to mitigate fraud risks that are inherent in their day-to-day activities. EFRD also conducts periodic analysis of all fraud incidents and losses, creates rules/parameters for monitoring, investigates fraud cases, and determines current and emerging fraud risk trends which are reported to the BOD, through the ROC, and to the Management, thereby assisting them to make
well-informed fraud risk management decisions.


Enterprise Risk Management Information Security Division Head

Information Security Governance Department: The Information Security Governance Department (ISGD) deals with all aspects of information whether spoken, written, printed, electronic, or relegated to any other medium regardless of whether it is being created, viewed, transported, stored, or destroyed. This covers all business units, branches/offices, and subsidiaries, both domestic and overseas, third party institutions, and individuals.


The ISGD is tasked to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements set forth by the regulating bodies and laws in the areas of information security and electronic banking services. The department monitors and ensures that policies, procedures, and standards in managing information security and technology risk are observed across the Group. It also oversees and is part of the process for detecting, analyzing, and responding to any information security incident. ISGD also keeps the Board and senior management apprised on information security risks.


ISGD executes an Information Security Strategic Plan (ISSP) and Information Security Program (ISPr) aligned with the business objectives of the Group. The department also establishes governance-specific policies, standards, and procedures for information security risk management, conducts trainings and issues advisories to increase information security awareness, and performs the Information Security Risk Assessment (ISRA) and Information Security Annual Certification (ISAC) for the whole RCBC Group to manage, identify, and address information security risks.


The Credit Management Group (CMG)


The Credit Management Group (CMG) focuses on the operational and front-end aspect of the credit cycle.


 Major responsibilities of CMG include:

As the 2nd line of defense, CMG achieves its mandate through: 

1. Setting up of credit policies and guidelines that standardize lending principles across units (consumer and business lending)

2. Involvement of credit analysts in area of lending that cannot be automated via straight through processing (STP)

a. Consumer Loans. Credit analysts continue to be involved in the execution of required policy and procedures defined for credit checks done on each customer. This will eventually evolve into
exception handling for accounts that cannot be processed via STP.
b. Business Loans. Credit analysts corroborate with relationship managers (RMs) in setting-up credit proposals for customers, ensuring all aspects of credit as required by policy are included. CMG is expected to articulate unresolved issues (with the RM) that final approvers can decide on.

3. Providing reasonable assurance to stakeholders on the quality of the Bank’s loan books through:

a. Monitoring and reporting of the Bank’s asset quality with adoption of an early warning framework
b. Calibration of existing policies, guidelines and procedures as necessary
c. Supporting the RMs in developing strategies to effectively minimize delinquency flows

4. Ensuring that the Bank is adequately provisioned across its lending portfolio.

Capital Management Framework

The Capital Management Framework of the Group incorporates the planning process, the Capital Plan, and the continuing review and reporting of results.

Strategic and Business Planning

In the Strategic and Business Planning Process of the UniBank, the overall risk appetite is developed as part of the business plans. 

The process involves the development of strategic and business objectives, anchored on the Mission & Vision, as interpreted and articulated by Senior Management. This is an iterative process involving both internal and external analyses and risk assessment.

The planning process then results in a business plan, the annual budget, medium-term forecast/projections, which all incorporate identified risks. It includes a regular review of the business plan (monthly, quarterly) based on key performance indicators. 

Capital Planning

The other component of the Framework is the development of the Capital Plan that incorporates the current business plan and additional projections and stress testing. 

This component highlights the use of medium to long-term forecasts and stress scenarios in the management of capital. The results of the forecasts are always reviewed against the internal minimum capital ratios, inclusive of Pillar 2 charges, and the regulatory minimum.

More details on the Group’s RGF and Capital Management Framework can be found in the published Annual and Sustainability Report (

Company's Policies

Whistleblower Policy


Conflict of Interest Policy


Insider Trading Policy


Related Party Transactions Policy


Policy and Data Relating to Health, Safety and Welfare of Employees


Anti-Money Laundering


Three (3) directors, majority of which are independent directors including the chairperson.


Gabriel S. Claudio (ID) – Chairperson
Vaughn F. Montes, Ph.D. (ID) - Member
John Law (NED) - Member
Eugene S. Acevedo (ED) - Advisor                                                      Masayuki Kawakami - Advisor                                 

The AML Committee assists the Board of Directors in its mandate to fully comply with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, as amended, its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations and the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations under the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB); and to ensure that oversight on the Bank’s compliance management is adequate.



The United States (U.S.) Congress enacted the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) on March 18, 2010. The law requires Foreign1 Financial Institutions (FFIs), like RCBC, that hold U.S. persons’ accounts to report certain information2 to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

In particular, FFIs are required to identify U.S. accounts as part of their client on-boarding procedures. Once such a process is in place, they are further required to identify current accounts with U.S. indicia, including but not limited to incorporating a process that monitors account changes for indicia of U.S. status.

On July 13, 2015, the governments of the Philippines and the U.S entered into an Inter-Governmental Agreement to implement FATCA. Under the IGA, the reporting of U.S. reportable accounts will be coursed through the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), which would in turn submit the reports of all covered Philippine financial institutions to the IRS.

1. Foreign means on-U.S.

2. Account name, address, income received, year-end account balance, U.S. TIN, account number.


RCBC FATCA Compliance

How RCBC identifies U.S. Person Accountholders


RCBC sent letters and due diligence forms to pre-existing clients to obtain their FATCA status and waiver of bank secrecy laws. RCBC also revised its account opening forms to capture U.S. indicia at the outset. Procedures for on-boarding of new clients were enhanced to equip client-facing personnel the skills required to identify U.S. persons. RCBC likewise enhanced its IT system to capture the required FATCA information and documents from new clients beginning July 1, 2014.

IGA Regime

The IGA provides the manner and level of due diligence required of FFIs to identify U.S. persons. In compliance thereof, the Bank implemented a number of measures, including but are not limited to:

  • Enhanced due diligence for high value accounts that included: electronic record search of financial accounts for US indicia; paper record search of financial accounts for US indicia; and inquiries with relationship managers.
  • RCBC also participated in submission testing conducted by the IRS.
  • RCBC rolled out a new self-certification form for non-U.S. entity clients. This form replaced the U.S. IRS Form (W-8BEN-E) to give its clients a more comprehensible form that covers all mandatory information required under FATCA. The FATCA status tags in the Bank’s core system are likewise updated to comply with the reporting requirements of the IGA.



Listed below are the U.S. IRS forms submitted by clients to RCBC. The client should however, consult with their branch of account or tax advisor as to the appropriate U.S. IRS form/s to be submitted.

  • W-9 – to confirm that the individual or entity is a U.S. person
  • W-8BEN – to confirm that the individual is a Non U.S. person
  • W-8BEN-E or RCBC self-certification form – to confirm the FATCA status of the entity
  • DS-4083 – to confirm that the U.S. citizenship is being relinquished



Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is FATCA?

    The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a U.S. tax law enacted on March 18, 2010 to deter U.S. taxpayers from avoiding U.S. tax on their income through reporting by non-U.S. financial institutions to the U.S. Internal revenue Service (IRS) of certain information.

    The FATCA due diligence procedures for new accounts in RCBC became effective on July 1, 2014.

    The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the U.S. and the Philippines was signed on July 13, 2015. At present, RCBC is a Philippine Financial Institution that is reporting under the Model 1 IGA.

  2. What is a Foreign Financial Institution (FFI)?

    An FFI is a foreign financial institution, which is any non-U.S. entity that:

    • Accepts deposits in the ordinary course of a banking or similar business (e.g., bank);
    • Holds, as a substantial part of its business, financial assets for the accounts of others (e.g., custodian, broker-dealers, U.S trust companies, clearing organizations);
    • Is engaged primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities, partnership interests, commodities, or any interest in such securities, partnership interests, or commodities (e.g., hedge funds, private equity funds, investment managers, SPVs); or
    • Is an insurance company that issues annuities or cash value insurance policies.


  3. What should RCBC do in order to comply with FATCA?

    To comply with FATCA, RCBC must accomplish the following:

    • Identify if new clients (by virtue of the determination date that is 30 November 2014) are U.S. Persons and require them to submit necessary forms and documents;
    • Conduct certain identification and due diligence procedures with respect to its pre-existing account holders in accordance with the rules under the IGA;
    • Report to the BIR certain information relating to the accounts held by account holders who are U.S. persons.


  4. Who is a US person?

    A United States Person as defined by the IGA means:

    • For Individuals-
      1. U.S. citizen (including a dual citizen);
      2. U.S. resident alien for tax purposes; or
      3. A person who has substantial presence in the U.S.. Substantial presence is defined as 31 days during the current year and 183 days during the 3-year period that includes the current year and the 2 years immediately before that counting:
        • all the days you were present in the current year, and
        • 1/3 of the days you were present in the first year before the current year, and
        • 1/6 of the days you were present in the second year before the current year.
    • For Juridical Entities-
      1. A domestic corporation, partnership, or association created or organized in the U.S. or under the laws of the U.S.;
      2. A U.S. domestic trust;
      3. A U.S. estate; or
      4. A company that has a U.S. substantial ownership of at least 10%.
  5. What is a U.S. Indicium?

    A U.S. indicium is an information or datum that serves as an indicator that identifies an account holder as a potential U.S. person.

  6. What are the US indicia under FATCA?

        • For Individuals-

          1. Designation of the account holder as a U.S. citizen or resident;
          2. U.S. place of birth
        • For Juridical Entities-

          1. Classification of an account holder as a U.S. resident in the withholding agent’s customer files (this means that the entity was incorporated/established /organized under U.S. laws)

      For Both Individual & Juridical Entities-

        1. A current U.S. residence address or U.S. mailing address (including a U.S. post office box)
        2. A current U.S. telephone number
        3. Standing instructions to pay amounts to a U.S. address or an account maintained in the U.S.
        4. A current power of attorney or signatory authority granted to a person with a U.S. address
        5. An "in care of" address or “hold mail address” that is the sole address provided



  7. What is the impact of FATCA?

    At the outset, FFIs were required to register online with the U.S.IRS to enter into an FFI agreement with the U.S. Treasury Department / U.S. IRS. FFIs that do not enter into an FFI agreement with the U.S. Treasury Department / U.S. IRS will be sanctioned with a 30% withholding tax against their U.S. source income. FFIs that entered into an FFI agreement with the U.S. IRS became "participating FFIs." In the same way, FFIs were required to disclose to the U.S. IRS certain account information of their account holders who are U.S. persons.

    To address the conflict between FATCA and other domestic laws, the U.S. has entered and continues to enter into a number of IGAs with different countries/jurisdictions. The Philippines entered into an IGA with the U.S. on July 13, 2015. By virtue of this IGA, all participating Philippine Financial Institutions are deemed reporting financial institutions under the Model 1 IGA. Philippine FIs are now mandated to report to the BIR all required information under the IGA and the BIR will, in turn, coordinate with and forward these reports to the U.S. IRS.

  8. When will the FATCA regulations be implemented?

    RCBC began its implementation on July 1, 2014 as this was the original determination date under the FATCA Rules and Regulations. All new clients are required to disclose their FATCA statuses and submit their documentary requirements for validation.

  9. What information with regard to account holders will be reported by virtue of FATCA?

    1. For Individual Account Holders / Entities / Non-U.S. Entity with Controlling Specified U.S. Persons

      1. the name,
      2. address, and
      3. U.S. TIN
      4. the account number (CIF);
      5. the account balance or value as of:
        • the end of the relevant calendar year or
        • other appropriate reporting period or,
        • if the account was closed during such year, immediately before closure;


    2. For Custodial Account Holders:

      1. the total gross amount of:
        • interest,
        • dividends,
        • other income generated with respect to the assets held in the account, in each case paid or credited to the account (or with respect to the account) during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period; and
      2. the total gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of property paid or credited to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period with respect to which the Reporting Philippine Financial Institution acted as custodian, broker, nominee, or otherwise as an agent for the Account Holder;


    3. For Depository Account Holders: the total gross amount of interest paid or credited to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period; and

      Any account that is not a depository or custodial account - the total gross amount paid or credited to the Account Holder, including the aggregate amount of any redemption payments made to the Account Holder, with respect to the account during the calendar year or other appropriate reporting period with respect to which the Reporting Philippine Financial Institution is the obligor or debtor.


Additional Information

RCBC is a part of the FFI List issued by IRS that includes all financial institutions and branches that have submitted a registration and have been assigned a Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) at the time the list was compiled. This is due to the fact that prior to the execution of the IGA between the U.S. and the Philippines, RCBC registered with the IRS in compliance with the FATCA Rules and Regulations. RCBC has the following details by virtue of this registration:

US IRS Registration Details
Name of Financial Institution Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) PAVEBW.99999.SL.608
Financial Institution Type Single
Financial Institution's Country of Residence Philippines
Financial Institution's FATCA Classification Reporting Model 1 FFI

For specific FATCA-related questions including implications to your tax filing with the U.S. IRS, please contact the U.S. IRS directly or consult with your tax advisor. To contact the U.S. IRS, please visit their website or you may Use the link below:


ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard

As part of the ASEAN Capital Market Forum's regional initiatives of promoting the development of an integrated market, a tool measuring the corporate governance practices among the ASEAN Publicly-Listed Companies has been developed. The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance were used as the main benchmark. The ACGS initiative has been practiced since 2011, and RCBC has been a participant from its inception.

Board and Board Committee Chairs