Financial Growth Through Unit Investment Trust Funds
With a UITF (Unit Investment Trust Fund), you can maximize your investments as fund managers expertly manage a diversified portfolio on your behalf. Suitable for anyone wanting to grow their wealth without delving into the intricacies of stock trading, UITFs provide a straightforward path to financial growth through a mix of securities, bonds, and equities.
RCBC Peso Short Term Fund
4.64% YOY Returns -
RCBC Peso Money Market Fund
4.71% YOY Returns -
RCBC Peso Cash Management Fund
4.30% YOY Returns -
RCBC Dollar Money Market Fund
3.68% YOY Returns -
RCBC Peso Fixed Income Fund
2.79% YOY Returns -
RCBC Dollar Fixed Income Fund
2.19% YOY Returns -
RCBC Multi-Asset Fund
4.57% YOY Returns -
RCBC Equity Fund
-5.41% YOY Returns -
RCBC R25 Dividend Equity Fund
4.17% YOY Returns -
RCBC R25 Blue-Chip Equity Fund
-6.75% YOY Returns -
RCBC US Equity Index Feeder Fund
8.67% YOY Returns -
RCBC Peso S&P 500 Index Equity Feeder Fund
New Fund
Higher yield potential
Historically, average returns from the RCBC UITF investments have performed better and favorably over traditional deposit and investment products.
Access to high-yielding investments
The pooling feature of the RCBC UITFs allows the fund managers to negotiate for higher rates, better prices, lower transaction costs for the Fund due to the size of its investments.
Through any of our UITF investments, you get to participate in all the investments of the Fund, thereby spreading out the risk involved over a wider range of investment outlets.
You can invest for as low as PHP 5,000 for peso investments or USD 200 for dollar investments.
You may invest in the RCBC UITFs online through RCBC Digital website or through any of the RCBC business centers strategically located nationwide. You may check the list of our Certified UITF Sales Personnel here.
The RCBC UITF investment may be redeemed daily during banking hours up to 11:00 AM. Some of our UITFs do not have minimum holding period.
How to invest in UITFs online
Step 1. Log in to with your account and click ‘Invest in UITF'. Not an RCBC accountholder? Enroll here.
Step 2. Choose whether you wish to open a new UITF account or enroll existing UITF Account.
Step 3. Read and understand the terms and conditions; confirm client information then click ‘Submit’.
Step 4.
For new clients Accomplish the Customer Suitability Assessment (CSA) and select preferred RCBC UITF.
For existing clients Confirm your CSA result and select preferred RCBC UITF then click 'Submit'.
Step 5. System will notify you that the account enrollment was successful. To start investing, you will automatically be re-directed to the 'Add Investment' page.

Which UITF product is for you?
as of Fri, March 21, 2025
- RCBC Peso Money Market Fund
- RCBC Peso Short Term Fund
- RCBC Peso Cash Management Fund
- RCBC Peso Fixed Income Fund
- RCBC Multi-Asset Fund
- RCBC Equity Fund
- RCBC R25 Blue-Chip Equity Fund
- RCBC R25 Dividend Equity Fund
- RCBC Dollar Money Market Fund
- RCBC Dollar Fixed Income Fund
- RCBC US Equity Index Feeder Fund
- RCBC Peso S&P 500 Index Equity Feeder Fund