Enter the amount of your Peso Deposit here
FREE Life Insurance Coverage
Php 4,500,000
Peso Time Deposit
Regular Rate
Hexagon Club Priority Rate
USD Time Deposit
Regular Rate
Hexagon Club Priority Rate
5.90 %
Regular Rate -
5.22 %
Hexagon Club Priority Rate -
Php 21,151.00
Monthly Payment -
Php 2,000.00
FREE Gas Voucher
Auto Loan
6.38 %
Regular Rate -
5.88 %
Hexagon Club Priority Rate -
Php 68,992.95
Monthly Payment -
Php 3,500
WAIVED Appraisal Fee
Home Loan
1.30 %
Regular Rate -
0.99 %
Hexagon Club Priority Rate -
Php 8,983.33
Monthly Payment -
Php 3,000.00
WAIVED Processing Fee
Personal Loan
Php 57.07
Regular Rate -
Php 57.17
Hexagon Club Priority Rate
Sell USD
Php 57.57
Regular Rate -
Php 57.47
Hexagon Club Priority Rate
*Amount of deposit, which will serve as basis for client's Hexagon Club benefits, refers to your total Peso Savings and/or Checking Account/s; Rates and amounts quoted are indicative only; Number of days used in the computation may vary; The rates used in this calculator are subject to change without notice: Tax rates applied in the Time Deposit calculators are 20% for Peso and 15% for Dollar; 5-year + 1-day Peso Time Deposit for Individuals is tax-free; Amount of life insurance coverage may vary depending on client's meeting the eligibility requirements and is subject to terms and conditions; For Home Loan: Fixing Option refers to your chosen period where your interest rate is fixed. The Home Loan Rate displayed in this calculator is applicable only during your chosen Fixing Option. After this, your interest rate will change and will be based on the prevailing repricing rate.