Foreign Currency Deposit Unit
RateMinimum Initial
ADBBalance to
Earn InterestUS Dollar
0.100% USD 500 USD 500 USD 500 Euro
None EUR 1,000 EUR 1,000 Not applicable Canadian Dollar
None CAD 7,000 CAD 7,000 Not applicable Australian Dollar
None AUD 10,000 AUD 10,000 Not applicable Japanese Yen
None JPY 50,000 JPY 50,000 Not applicable British Pounds
None GBP 3,000 GBP 3,000 Not applicable Swiss Francs
None CHF 5,000 CHF 5,000 Not applicable Chinese Yuan
Tiered CNY 3,500 CNY 3,500 CNY 7,000 -
Chinese Yuan Interest Rates
Interest Rate
Below 7,000 None 7,000 < 100,000 0.125% 100,000 < 500,000 0.250% 500,000 < 1,000,000 0.375% 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 0.500% 5,000,000 and above 0.625% -
Branches Offering FCDU Savings
Click on the currency name to view the list of branches offering the specified currency:
- US Dollar
- Euro
- Canadian Dollar
- Australian Dollar
- Japanese Yen
- British Pound
- Swiss Franc
- Chinese Yuan
Interest rates may change without prior notice. Inquire at your nearest branch for the latest rates.
Buy, deposit or invest in foreign currencies directly
RCBC Foreign Currency Deposit Unit lets you transact in USD, CNY, JPY, EUR, AUD, GBP, CAD or CHF.