Get a chance to win a Macbook Air or P100K when you pay with RCBC MyDebit Mastercard!


  1. The promo runs from September 1 – December 31, 2024. 
  2. The raffle promo is open to all new and existing RCBC retail CASA accountholder/s. Consumer loans, and credit cards are not qualified to this promo, unless they open an RCBC retail CASA account within the promo period.
  3. Clients will earn one (1) raffle entry for every accumulated RCBC debit card purchase transaction of P3,000.00 both online or offline.  
  4. RCBC Debit cards are the only allowed mode of payment to qualify in the raffle. RCBC Debit accounts that are qualified in the promo are RCBC MyDebit Card Mastercard, RCBC Hexagon Club Priority Platinum Mastercard Debit Card, and RCBC Wealth Platinum Debit Mastercard
  5. Cut-off of qualified transactions for the draw will be on the 31st of December at 11:59PM. Raffle entries beyond cut-off will no longer be accepted.    
  6. The electronic raffle draw will be held in the presence of representatives from DTI and RCBC on January 14, 2025. 
  7. Below are the following prizes:
    Prizes Winner
    P100,000 cash tax free 1
    Macbook Air, M1 2020 (SRP P50,000) 1
  8. Accountholder/s may only win once in the raffle draw regardless of the number of accounts. Once an accountholder/s is drawn, the account will no longer be qualified to win in the succeeding draws.
  9. Winning accounts must be active during the raffle draw date. Raffle entries earned through accounts which were closed prior to the raffle draw will be forfeited.
  10. RCBC has the right to verify the eligibility of the client and to check whether the account is still active at the time of the raffle draw.
  11. Announcement of winners will be on January 21, 2025. Winners will be notified through their registered mail, email and mobile number. Winners will also be posted on the official RCBC Facebook page and website. 
  12. Winners must present the following when claiming their prize.
    1. One (1) Valid Government-issued 
    2. RCBC debit card (front portion only) used during the transaction
  13. A representative may also claim the prize on behalf of the winner provided he/she presents the following:
    1. One (1) valid Government-issued ID of winner’s representative
    2. Winner’s valid government-issued ID
    3. Signed authorization letter
    4. RCBC debit card (front portion only) used during the transaction
  14. Once the winner’s identification has been verified, winners can redeem their prize at RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Ave, Makati, 1227 Metro Manila at an agreed upon date and time.
  15. Prizes may be claimed within sixty (60) days from receipt of the registered email notice or it will be forfeited in favor of RCBC with prior approval of DTI.
  16. RCBC reserves the right to refuse delivery of the prize to an authorized representative when the documents submitted are incomplete, insufficient, or inadequate or when the Bank has any reason to believe that any of the documents submitted is spurious or forged.
  17. For joint accounts, regardless if the account is an “and” or an “and/or” account, all accountholder/s must be physically present to claim any prize. If one is not present, a special power of attorney must be submitted, authorizing their representative to claim the prize on his/her behalf. In case of conflicting claims among the joint accountholder/s, RCBC reserves the right to refuse and/or stop the release of the prize until RCBC is presented with a notarized document containing the concurrence of all the joint Accountholder/s to the release of the prize. If not resolved within (60) sixty days, RCBC may, likewise forfeit the prize in favor of RCBC.
  18. Twenty Percent (20%) prize tax for all prizes will be shouldered by the RCBC. Prizes are not transferrable and not convertible to cash. In case of a dispute, the decision of RCBC on all matters relating to this Promo, with the concurrence of DTI, shall be final and binding on all Accountholder/s.
  19. All RCBC employees – including those who recently resigned within the promo period, its subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, including its Board of Directors and Advisory Board Members and MasterCard employees including their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from this Promo.
  20. The winners authorize RCBC to disclose and publish their names, photos and other particulars as determined by RCBC to any person/s and in any mode or manner, for the purpose of announcing the results of the Raffle, and as RCBC may deem appropriate, that is not in any way in violation of customer data privacy.
  21. This Promo is not valid in conjunction with other promotions carried out by RCBC.


Per DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-201077 Series of 2024.